Gulf War Illness (GWI)
Mold/Biotoxin Illness
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Mitochondrial Diseases
Post-Sepsis Syndrome
Academic/Science Community Cabal
- Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science Hardcover -- by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits – To be released April 14, 2020 - amazon link
Project Daylily: An American Biowarfare Tragedy -- by Garth L. Nicolson Ph.D. (Author), Nancy L. N (Author)
Websites & Blogs & Articles:
- Paradigm Change -- Lisa Petrison, Ph.D - an excellent resource for Mold/Biotoxin Illness
- Institute for Molecular Medicine -- President Founder Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D., M.D. (H). “The mission of the Institute for Molecular Medicine is to contribute to the understanding of and the prevention and cure of catastrophic human chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, fatigue illnesses, rheumatic diseases, cancer, AIDS, and infectious and genetic diseases. This will be accomplished through innovative basic and translational research programs.” This includes Gulf War Illness, Chronic Fatigue Illnesses, Autoimmune Illnesses, Infectious Disease, etc.
Global Science - A Meta Analysis Approach to Activism -- info on the science of ME, CFS, Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Illness, etc.
- Anatomy of a Cover Up -- Neuroimmune diseases: “We may never unite or agree on how each disease should be defined, but one thing we should be uniting for is the corruption, fraud, human rights violations, and color of law abuse that accompanies each of these conditions.”
- MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases -- by Donald W. Scott MA, MSc. Ó 2001, Nexus Magazine Aug 2001
- United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation
- Today’s “evidence-based medicine” may be tomorrow’s malpractice -- Karen Sullivan Sibert, MD a Los Angeles anesthesiologist, writer, and mother.
- Children’s Health Defense -- Robert F Kennedy, Jr (Formerly World Mercury Project)
- Erin Brockovich -- “I am an advocate for awareness, the truth, and a person’s right to know. I believe that in the absence of the truth, all of us stand helpless to defend ourselves, our families and our health, which is the greatest gift we have.”
- Quillette -- Quillette is a platform for free thought. We respect ideas, even dangerous ones. We also believe that free expression and the free exchange of ideas help human societies flourish and progress. Quillette aims to provide a platform for this exchange.
The Portal - a podcast by Eric Weinstein
- The Portal is an exploration into discovery, including conversations with thought leaders. Host Eric Weinstein, Managing Director of Thiel Capital, brings his unique expertise and diverse roster of guests for a wide range of discussions, including science, culture, business, and capitalism. The show will feature people whose lives demonstrate that portals into what we would normally consider impossible, are indeed possible. Guests include presidential candidate Andrew Yang, NY Times bestselling author Sam Harris, and retired Navy Seal and creator of the hit business podcast Jocko Willink.
- 18: Slipping the DISC: State of The Portal & Chapter 2020
- 19: Bret Weinstein - The Prediction and the DISC
- 26: James O’Keefe: What is (and isn't) Journalism in the 21st century
- http://heatherheying.com/ -- Author. Evolutionary Biologist. Professor in Exile.
- The Dirty Little Secret of Cancer Research -- “For 50 years, scientists have ignored widespread cell contamination, compromising medical research. Why are they so slow to fix it?” by Jill Neimark, Discover Magazine, October 1, 2014 7:00 PM
- “ICLAC was formed in 2012 to make cell line misidentification more visible and to promote awareness and authentication testing as effective ways to combat it.
- The group came together after publication of an ANSI Standard (ANSI/ATCC ASN-0002-2011), setting out best practice for authentication testing of human cell lines. It maintains a register of cross-contaminated or otherwise misidentified cell lines and a website of resources for authentication testing.”
- UK Position of Gulf War Syndrome “The tribunal also stated that Gulf War Syndrome was a “useful umbrella term” to cover accepted conditions which are causally linked to the 1990/1991 Gulf Conflict. A Written Statement was published in the House of Commons on 24 November 2005 (Official Report, Column 128WS-129WS) welcoming this development. We hope that the use of the umbrella term will address the known concern of some Gulf veterans that we have not recognised a link between their ill-health and the 1990/1991 Gulf Conflict. We hope that this will help to provide an element of closure for those who have sought some acknowledgment that their ill-health is connected to their Gulf service.”
- Gulf War Syndrome and How It Affects Veterans -- by Robert Rivera, 10 Mar 2020, Hill & Ponton Disability Attorneys website. “Veterans from every country that made up the Coalition forces have been affected. In the US alone, more than 110,000 cases had been reported by 1999, according to official government sources. It is estimated that it may affect as many as 30% of the men and women who served during the conflict. While the exact cause remains unknown, the same study found that veterans who experience these symptoms also experienced a loss of brain matter. (1)”
- Coalition of the Gulf War -- ~935,000 number of total troops
Social Media:
We also recommend using these hashtags when sharing on social media:
#GWI #Sepsis #VaccineInjury #ReactivatedViruses #OpportunisticInfections #ImmuneDeficiency #ImmuneSuppression #ResearchFraud #Science #HealthFascism #HealthFaucism #HealthFraud #ScienceFraud
- May12org FB page
- MEadvocacy.org FB Page
North Carolina/Ohio ME & FM Support Group - ”This group welcomes all who are dealing with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Illness, Chronic Lyme Disease, MCS, Orthostatic Intolerance, POTS, and other dysautonomia diseases.” THIS PAGE IS OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE. This is done in an effort to educate the public on the difficulties of having these disabling diseases and offer resources for those who otherwise might not join a group.
- @May12org -- Supporting #PwME #Lyme disease #VaccineInjury #GWI #PostSepsis *Complex Immunologic & Neurologic Diseases #ImmuneDeficiency #ReactivatedViruses #Science
- @meadvocacy_org -- A project of http://May12.org - Recognition, Definition, & Research for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis #MyalgicE #MEICC #SevereME #PwME #MEadvocacy #PwME4ICC
- @DrJudyAMikovits -- PhD Biomedical Research Scientist. Author of "Plague of Corruption" detailing how Anthony Fauci sabotaged my research to cover up the true causes of cancer.
- @MARC_Inc0224 -- A 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases in four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development.
- @Laykerq -- ME/cfsCuredByHAARTantiRETROvirals Biktarvy+Prezista+Norvir.Thanks Ruscetti+Mikovits 2009. 100%ProSaferVaccines. SocialMediaVictory. Lyme BUSTEDnBLASTED out of there.
- @AngelaK11635746 -- Was @academicange. Retired sociologist. My family - homeless disabled, carers - suffering lethal endangerment from Redbridge Council.
- @ErinBrockovich -- Health Advocate for Truth
- @ChildrensHD -- Children’s Health Defense: Robert F Kennedy, Jr (Formerly World Mercury Project)
- @EricRWeinstein -- Math guy. Managing Director of Thiel Capital. Host of The Portal podcast
- @BretWeinstein -- Evolutionary Biologist, spouse to Heather Heying, former Evergreen College Professor Olympia, Washington USA
@HeatherEHeying -- Biologist, spouse to Bret Weinstein, former Evergreen College Professor Olympia, Washington USA
- May12
- Institute for Molecular Medicine -- President Founder Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D., M.D. (H)
- The Link Between Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease - Dr. Mercola Interviews Judy Mikovits
- Immune-Related Adverse Events and Keys to Prevention and Treatment of ASD - Judy A. Mikovits, PhD
- Advances in Understanding Immune Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Dr Judy Mikovits
- Safe Uses of Suramin and Other Anti-Retroviral Approaches -- Dr Klinghardt
- The HighWire with Del Bigtree
- Vaxxed TV
- Deadly Vaccines: Garth Nicolson, microbiologist
- Terrible New Diseases -- Why is the incidence of autism, Lou Gehrig's Disease, multiple sclerosis, and some of the other chronic neurodegenerative diseases increasing throughout the world? Do some patients have chronic intracellular infections?Do most patients have chronic intracellular infections? Do chronic infections influence the course of neurodegenerative disease? Where did the organisms originate? -- Dr. Garth Nicolson addresses those questions, and several other important issues, in this video.
- Dissecting the CDC Whistleblower Documents: A Study in Corruption - Dr. Brian Hooker
- Downfall Parody: the ME/CFS version
- KADLEC MTHFR and Memory
- Ethical Issues When Working on Policy and Advocacy -- one segment by Dr Leonard Jason discussing how the National Medical Institute (formerly IOM) name and determine new case definition for ME/CFS
- Eric Weinstein YouTube Channel
- Eric Weinstein (Solo), Ep. #018 of The Portal - Slipping the DISC: State of The Portal/Chapter 2020 -- This year we begin to take on the idea of the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex or "DISC". From "Terms of Service" changes, to selective enforcement of rules, peer review, "Strategic Silence", 'authoritative sources only', deboosting, shadow banning, down ranking, "unbiasing", "Good Censorship", 'diversity and inclusion' oaths, 'cancel culture', no-platforming, mob shaming, certification requirements, "trust and safety" and quality control, we are surrounded by others interested in various forms of idea suppression who would prefer to work in private. Obviously some, but not all, of those ideas are truly dangerous. But many of those ideas never reached us because they threatened institutional players rather than public safety.
- Bret Weinstein on "The Portal" (w/ host Eric Weinstein), Ep. #019 - The Prediction and the DISC -- “All of our Mice are Broken. On this episode of The Portal, Bret and Eric sit down alone with each other for the first time in public. There was no plan. There was however, a remarkable story of science at its both best and worst that had not been told in years.”
- Bret Weinstein YouTube Channel -- Videos about adaptive evolution, good governance, the breakdown of civil discourse and subsequent mayhem at Evergreen and other college campuses, and about the emerging Coalition of the Reasonable.
- Diagnosis and management of mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society -- Paper on Mitochondrial diseases
- Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms and risk of molecularly defined subtypes of childhood acute leukemia
- Consequences of the Bayh-Dole Act --Robert Rhines, December 12, 2005, David Levenson